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ICMS Australasia

ICMS Australasia

ICMS Australasia

ICMS Australasia

ICMS Australasia

ICMS Australasia

ICMS Australasia
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In working with ICMS Australasia, you are dealing with a very experienced company. Our meetings management portfolio extends well into 2027, thus ensuring our stability and security within the industry - an important consideration when entering a long-term partnership with a PCO. ICMSA provides complete management services and our expertise ensures that we can provide the most up-to-date advancements in conference management for either in-person, virtual or hybrid formats.

Our multidisciplinary team members are across the whole of the project and event roles meaning that during peak workflow periods, they are interchangeable with complementary skill sets.

This is best said in the words of our clients.

I would highly recommend ICMSA to run your Conference. Their team was highly organised and motivated for our recent international meeting and we are going to use ICMSA for all our Conference work from now on.

We had a trouble free high-quality meeting that both local and International delegates enjoyed. ICMSA also raised a significant amount of sponsorship for our meeting - more than 150% of what we originally had projected.

ICMSA are the appointed PCO for International Association of Forensic Toxicologists NZ to be held in Auckland 2025

Dr Dimitri Gerostamoulos
Conference Chair and President
TIAFT International Association Forensic Toxicology